Tully Valley Residents – Feasibility Study in Your Neighborhood – Please Provide Contacts!
OEI would like to inform Tully Valley residents of an environmental feasibility study (FS) occurring in your neighborhood. The FS is being conducted in order to identify a potential project that could ameliorate the impacts of mudboils.
We are asking for your contact information and attendance in an online public information meeting. Please send your detailed contact information, i.e., cell phone, telephone and email addresses, to outreach@oei2.org. Due to COVID restrictions, we are not planning an in-person meeting at this time. We plan to host virtual stakeholder introductory meetings on October 6 at 10:00AM and October 7 at 3:00PM.
Mudboil Feasibility Study Landowner Letter
Mudboils Factsheet
Mudboil Feasibility Study Presentation