Onondaga County Save the Rain – Rain Barrel Art Gala

Onondaga County Save the Rain – Rain Barrel Art Gala
Wednesday April 30, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Rain barrels were painted by Onondaga County artists large and small. These artists’ designs were selected from many submissions and represent the talent, creativity and enthusiasm of so many in our community. Join us at the Gala to celebrate the talent in our community. Awards for rain barrel paintings will be presented this evening. The event is free and open to the public.
Please help select the “Peoples’ Choice Award” by voting for your favorite barrel in each of the following four categories; Elementary School, Middle School, High School and Adult.
Vote for your favorite HERE
Image: Mr. Niedzweicki’s 3rd grade Visual Arts class from Morgan Road Elementary School with their submission for Rain Barrel Art Contest in the K-4 Category.