River Network and National Park Service award OEI grant!

River Network and the National Park Service award Onondaga Environmental Institute (OEI) with a grant, “Restoring sense of place for EJ youth in the Onondaga Creek watershed through science and art”. A science & art program on Onondaga Creek will allow indigenous & disadvantaged youth to enhance their connection to the natural world, promote long-term environmental stewardship, restore cultural connections, & build diverse relationships.

The Youth River Education, Recreation Program funds projects that develop and/or expand “on-water” education, recreation, and/or cultural preservation programs for youth and young adults. Supported projects will include diverse partner organizations that work together to enhance and expand availability of recreational, educational, and cultural preservation opportunities and programming for youth and adults on land and on water.

River Network connects people to save rivers. River Network is the foremost national nonprofit connecting and empowering local nonprofit organizations, agencies, tribal groups, and utilities working for healthy rivers and clean water across the United States. We envision a future of clean and ample water for people and nature, where local caretakers are well-equipped, effective, and courageous champions for our waters.

OEI looks forward to this opportunity and wishes to thank River Network and the National Park Service!